Eddie Allsopp Named White Rock Quarries V.P.
(3rd Quarter 2010)
Eddie Allsopp
After 30 years in the mining and construction materials business as an industry associate of White Rock Quarries and the Vecellio Group, Eddie Allsopp has joined White Rock as a Vice President. He brings a wealth of experience and will share some of the executive workload of White Rock President Jim Hurley.
Allsopp is a former Chairman of the Florida Limerock and Aggregates Institute, and a former Board Member, Executive Committee Member, and Chairman of the Florida Concrete and Products Association.
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Powerful Production at White Rock
(3rd Quarter 2010)
White Rocks electric-powered Marion 8200 dragline is seen from the dedicated power substation required to run its 14 motors, which generate up to 14,500 horsepower to drag, hoist and swing its 105 c.y. bucket. A python-thick electrical cable runs alongside the haul roads to deliver power to the dragline. (Photo by Carl Thiemann)
Loader Operators Rubin Washington and Jorge Marquez raise their high-capacity Cat 992G buckets as Domingo Grateraeux backs up a Cat 777 haul truck at White Rock Quarries in Miami, FL. The raw material is transported to the quarrys production facility for crushing, cleaning and sorting. (Photo by Carl Thiemann)