White Rock Quarries – Photo Gallery
(4th Quarter 2003)
Boy Scouts Tour WRQ Employee Spotlight Employee Spotlight2
White Rock Employees Earn 10-Year Safety Awards
28 of 30 Eligible Have Received Recognition
(3rd Quarter 2003)
Congratulations go out to White Rock Quarries East Supervisor Trevor Whyte, third-shift Plant Supervisor Hector Barrios, and Welder Arnaldo De Jesus, who were all awarded the Holmes Safety Association Award for 10 years without a lost-time accident.
WRQ now has 28 out of 30 eligible employees who have received this distinguished award.
(Left to right): WRQ Superintendent Steve Hale, WRQ East Supervisor Trevor Whyte, Welder Arnaldo DeJesus, and third-shift Plant Supervisor Hector Barrios proudly display their Holmes Safety Association Awards.
Slogan Winner Pockets $200
(3rd Quarter 2003)
Contract Mechanic Craig Wilson won $200.00 for submitting winning slogans to White Rocks safety banner contest. His two winning entries were: Be a Part of the Team. Working Safely is a Team Sport. and Do it Right! Do it Safe! Dont Just Do It!
The banners will be displayed on the primary approach ramp in both English and Spanish to promote White Rocks safety message to incoming visitors and commercial haulers.
White Rock Quarries Superintendent Steve Hale, left,
presents Contract Mechanic Craig Wilson
$200 for his winning safety slogans.
White Rock Quarries – Photo Gallery
(3rd Quarter 2003)
Crunch Time Crunch Time 2 Sandfill Sales Load ‘Em Up WRQuarries.com
Coming Down Crusher Crew Close Up Look